Community Grants


The Blue Mountain Early Learning Hub (BMELH) supports community partners by providing financial support through grants. These grants are aimed at helping children and families in the area of education, health and safety. The types of projects that will be funded need to address priority populations and support equity across the Hub region.

Community partners may apply for up to $15,000 per biennium (July 23-June 2025). Applications must have contribution from other funders equal to at least 25% of the requested amount (refer to the Grant Guidelines for more information).

Types of applications

New projects: this grant is for new ideas that support children and families in school readiness, health & safety, and family engagement.

Start Up: this grant is for projects that have been shown to be effective in the past or with other agencies. These funds can be used to purchase materials, facility use, incentives, and marketing.

Professional Development: this grant is to help support professional development or the alignment of practices between agencies. These funds can be used to pay for trainers, facility uses, food, and materials. Types of professional development may include: curriculum, social-emotional, trauma-informed, equity and leadership.

Project Areas

School Readiness may include:

  • Materials to support literacy, math and science skills

  • Professional development on curriculum and equity

  • Community activities that promote skills and Kindergarten transition information

Prenatal-3rd grade curriculum/pedagogy alignment may include:

  • Professional development on curriculum

  • Materials and start up to implement regionally adopted curriculum

  • Activities to support transitions to Kindergarten

Family Support may include:

  • In-home visits, parent support groups, or programs to improve parenting skills around child development, health, nutrition, budgeting, and self-care

  • Activities to strengthen parent-child relationship or opportunity to engage with other families

  • Transportation and information to support access to community services including parent education, health care, nutrition programs and mental health support

  • Support in accessing developmental screenings

Family Engagement may include:

  • Activities to strengthen parent-child relationship or opportunity to engage with other families

  • Parent support groups or programs to improve parenting skills

  • Transportation and information to family engagement

  • Activities to support Kindergarten transition and attendance

*These funds are not for child care program start up or improvements*

Application Process

Community Grant Guidelines and Application packet

Grant applications are due on a quarterly basis. Applications received after the deadlines will be reviewed in the next quarter.

Submit applications to:

  • March 1 deadline, March 30 notification

  • June 1 deadline, June 30 notification

  • Sept 1 deadline, Sept 30 notification

  • Dec 1 deadline, Jan 5 notification

Community Grant Guidelines and Application (PDF)

Community Grant Reporting form (PDF)